About us
Expected School-wide Learning Results
Schoolwide Learner Outcomes
Upon graduation, Smidt Tech students will be…
Lifelong Learners who…
Set and strive toward professional goals
Seek out resources to achieve their objectives
Engage in open-minded, reflective, and inquisitive methods
Value knowledge and the learning process
Effective Communicators who…
Express ideas and opinions with clarity and respect
Self-advocate in order to effectively pursue goals and problem-solve
Courteously and professionally interact with others
Listen actively
Partners in a Technology-Dependent World who…
Collaborate to produce solutions
Connect ideas across disciplines
Understand how to effectively use social media
Use available resources to advance their quest for knowledge
Responsible Citizens who…
Demonstrate accountability for their actions
Have a positive impact on their community
Encourage diversity and challenge prejudices
Make informed decisions that exhibit integrity